Friday, February 20, 2009

My first blog post

So I decided to start up a "personal" blog. I normally abhor such things as I see them as year round Christmas letters which I don't enjoy. But I plan to somethings different. I won't regale you with lines and lines of worthless dribble about every single minute of my life, you just don't need to know somethings and I am a rather private person. But I have a need to tell things somewhere and I figure this is as good as anywhere.

So I have basically identified why I am such the private person that I am. I used to be quite social when I was around 11. This was the time I was on a swim team and I enjoyed doing the rounds of birthday parties and going over to a friends house. Even then though I was rather less social than the majority of my peers. At the time I didn't know why but I think I have determined the cause.

Since I was 11 however I have not been swimming, instead I moved and have become a dog musher and subsequently a dog racer. To brag a little I just won my first race 2 weeks ago:) I will never regret my choice to run dogs but I can tell it did nothing to help me socially as mushers are notorious for their odd behavior and awkward social skills, something I already had.

I should also tell that I have been home schooled since 3rd grade, another detriment to my social abilities, and either my design or actions I have advanced mush further along in my schooling. I entered school a year early and now in my Sr year of high school I am taking university level classes. My advanced schooling has lead me to receive a prestigious Scholarship from the University of Alaska.

Thus I think I may have identified that I have some form of superiority complex which places me at odds with the majority of my peers but I can easily identify with those whose maturity is higher than most of my age group. As a result I tend to think of myself as a young Dr House, Sherlock Holmes, Lex Luthor or Benjamin Linus, different than most. I have recently been studying myself and ways I can cope with the help of my trusty psychology book as my aid.

I have found some friends, mostly through forums or other sites, who I respect and enjoy to talk with. I tend to be a little eccentric perhaps with them but I hope they know I value their friendship more than they may think as it is something new and unique for me.

Well that is enough for my first post. After reading that though most people will probably steer clear of the rest of my posts:)

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